2006 - Pre-GOBfest
A University gaming group called "Players of Games on Boards" is founded.
2013 - GOBfest #1
The first GOBfest is put on at Parkview Community Hall, with 150 attendees.
2014 - GOBfest #2
GOBfest keeps growing and moves to the Alberta Avenue Community League Hall.
2015 - GOBfest #3
GOBfest grows to 250 attendees and adds a flea market and vendor tables.
2016 - GOBfest # 4
GOBfest expands to fill the entire Alberta Avenue Community League Hall Building.
2017 - GOBfest's Five Year Anniversary!
The GOBfest website gets a facelift!
2020 - GOBfest postponed due to COVID-19
The GOBfest website gets a complete redesign.
2021 - GOBfest goes digital!
GOBweb is held online with 50+ attendees.
2022 - GOBfest is back!
We return to an in-person event on Alberta Ave.
2023 - GOBfest keeps growing
The festival tops 300 attendees and we partner with Edmonton Public Library for year-round events!
Blood on the Clock Tower was a hit (Thx to TableTopGames for hosting it all weekend)
2024 - GOBfest
Klask tournament was so entertaining for all of those that competed as well as the peanut Gallery!
So excited to partner with Game-a-Lot to help each others ongoing goal of gathering and building the Table Top gaming community!
*many more things happened... if only we could remember ;)